A scuba safety kit for emergencies that occur at or below the surface.
We partnered with Dive Utah to design devices for scuba safety and rescue. Getting to work alongside a PADI certified dive instructor provided valuable insights throughout the process. Lots can happen on a dive when you are away from an emergency kit on the boat. I wanted to explore how to improve safety while below the surface and during the time between surfacing and getting back in the boat. Here are a few essential items divers should carry if an emergency happens below the surface or upon surfacing from a dive.
During the initial ideation phase it was important to think about forms that can move through the water without resistance, places the bag can be worn without interfering with current equipment requirements, and how to secure the items because they may either sink or float away quickly if the person drops them.
Throughout the prototyping process I was continually asking questions about minimum/maximum size requirements, tool organization based on if they are need above or below the surface of the water, tool capture to make sure things don't float away and ease of tool removal with one hand or limited visibility. Once this was dialed in it was time to refine the form of the bag to move seamlessly through the water without extra resistance.
Designed by Sarah Scott | 2016 | University of Utah